
Fresh Start August 19, 2014~8:00 am-2:00 pm~Busses will run!!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Congrats to the New Inductees Into NHS

Congratulations to the 21 students who were inducted into the National Honor Society on March 25, 2014. Please congratulate the following students:

Amir, Aqsa
Briggs, Kelsey Shelese
Brown, Victoria Moriah
Burwick, Kyla Alise
Byrd, Baili Victoria
Castelluccio, Alyssa Sharon
Devarapalli, Varsha
English, Jasmyne Journee
Francis, Jenelle Saria
Gadson, Shavona Aut'umn
Harmon, Deja Mone'
Harris, Rachel Camille
Khaldarova, Kholida Farkhadovna
Mixon, Brittany Nesha
Okeke, Jeffrey Nnamdi
Ploehn, Patricia Ann
Sample, Ashley Diane
Sanford, Affrika Diamond
Sudak, Sophia Bella
Temple, Brianna Nicole
Williams, Rebekah Jean

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